Cooke Mini S4/i T2.8 Prime 6 Lens Kit (PL Mount)

Hire From $550.00 per day

Cooke Mini S4/i T2.8 Prime 6 Lens Kit (PL Mount)

Hire From $550.00 per day


  • 18mm T2.8
  • 25mm T2.8
  • 32mm T2.8
  • 50mm T2.8
  • 75mm T2.8
  • 100mm T2.8
Pickup Info

If we have your product in stock, you can collect it on the same day from Sydney and Melbourne. If it is already hired out, we will let you know when it's ready for collection.

Availability Info

When you're ready to submit your Hire Request form online, we will be in touch with product availability information. 

Finance Policy

If you are a new customer, to get you started on your new hire we will need to set you up as a customer on the system. These forms will be sent to you when you submit your Hire Request.


  • 18mm T2.8
  • 25mm T2.8
  • 32mm T2.8
  • 50mm T2.8
  • 75mm T2.8
  • 100mm T2.8


  • Covers S35mm Format Sensor
  • T2.8 Maximum Aperture
  • Color-Matches All Cooke Lenses
  • /i Technology
  • Linear Iris
  • Cam-Style Focus
  • Un-Coated Replacement Optics Available
  • Lenses Marked in Feet


 Each lens in the set features a clickless aperture with a T-stop range of 2.8 to 22 and cover Super35-sized sensors. The lenses feature Cam focus as opposed to Helicoid, which enables the focus mechanism to stay play and backlash free and require less service with normal use. Featuring a PL mount, these lenses are designed as true cinema lenses with geared focus and iris, as well as manual focus.

The lenses are color matched to a factory standard and share similar gear positions making for fast lens changes. All the lenses except for the 18mm feature an 87mm front diameter, again for fast lens changes, with the 18mm featuring a 110mm front diameter. Cooke's /i technology system shares lens information with your camera, providing the camera is /i compatible. This set of lenses is marked in feet and inches.


Cooke 18mm T2.8 miniS4/i Cine Lens (Feet)

The 18mm T2.8 miniS4/i Cine Lens from Cooke features focus scales marked in feet and is one of a set of lightweight companions to Cooke's already established S4/i lenses. The miniS4i lenses feature an aperture range of T2.8 to T22, while maintaining the same world renowned Cooke image characteristics.

The lens features an 110 mm front diameter for attaching matte box, filter ring, and add-on lens accessories.


Cooke 25mm T2.8 miniS4/i Cine Lens (Feet)

The 25mm T2.8 miniS4/i Cine Lens from Cooke features focus scales marked in feet and is one of a set of lightweight companions to Cooke's already established S4/i lenses. The miniS4i lenses feature an aperture range of T2.8 to T22, while maintaining the same world renowned Cooke image characteristics.

Cooke 32mm T2.8 miniS4/i Cine Lens (Feet)

The 32mm T2.8 miniS4/i Cine Lens from Cooke features focus scales marked in feet and is one of a set of lightweight companions to Cooke's already established S4/i lenses. The miniS4i lenses feature an aperture range of T2.8 to T22, while maintaining the same world renowned Cooke image characteristics.


Cooke 50mm T2.8 miniS4/i Cine Lens (Feet)

The 50mm T2.8 miniS4/i Cine Lens from Cooke features focus scales marked in feet and is one of a set of lightweight companions to Cooke's already established S4/i lenses. The miniS4i lenses feature an aperture range of T2.8 to T22, while maintaining the same world renowned Cooke image characteristics.


Cooke 75mm T2.8 miniS4/i Cine Lens (Feet)

The 75mm T2.8 miniS4/i Cine Lens from Cooke features focus scales marked in feet and is one of a set of lightweight companions to Cooke's already established S4/i lenses. The miniS4i lenses feature an aperture range of T2.8 to T22, while maintaining the same world renowned Cooke image characteristics.


Cooke 100mm T2.8 miniS4/i Cine Lens (Feet)

The 100mm T2.8 miniS4/i Cine Lens from Cooke features focus scales marked in feet and is one of a set of lightweight companions to Cooke's already established S4/i lenses. The miniS4i lenses feature an aperture range of T2.8 to T22, while maintaining the same world renowned Cooke image characteristics.


Optical Design

The optics are designed to give maximum performance at full aperture with superior control of flare, distortion and spherical aberration.

/i Electronics

Contacts in the mount sync with /i compatible cameras and accessories, providing lens information on focusing distance, aperture and depth of field, hyperfocal distance, serial number, owner data, lens type and focal length in both meters and feet.

Color Balance

All Cooke miniS4/i prime lenses are color balanced to the Cook 5/i, S4/i, and Anamorphic/i lenses.


All Cooke miniS4/i primes have a true T2.8 aperture and cover Super 35mm format.

Index Marks

Every index mark is labeled. More detailed markings allow for more detailed focus control.

Focus Movement

Academy Award-winning cam-style focus movement, coupled with the added benefit of a large lens barrel diameter, has allowed for an increased number of focus markings, particularly at close focus. Spherical aberration has been controlled throughout the range of focal lengths to eliminate compensation of changes in back focus with aperture. A four-point contact bearing provides a smooth, positive, backlash-free movement.

Focus Scaling

Large, clear numerals on both sides of the focus barrel enable your focus puller to work from either side of the lens without remarking or flipping the lens upside down.


All Cooke miniS4/i primes have a common fixed front diameter of 87mm, except for the 18mm which has a front diameter of 110mm. Each lens incorporates a focus drive gear of 121T x 0.8 mod and an iris drive gear of 119T x 0.8.

External Finish

A scratch resistant PTFE hard anodized finish is provided on all Cooke lenses, providing a durable, hard-wearing surface to meet the most demanding environmental conditions.


An eight-leaf linear module iris assembly is fitted into miniS4/i primes with an aperture range of T2.8 to T22.

The lens features an 87 mm front diameter for attaching matte box, filter ring, and add-on lens accessories.