Out of this world: Shooting KABOOM
When Writer/Director Margaret M. MacDonald set out to make KABOOM – a genre-bending sci-fi western set in the Australian bush – she knew getting the right look was critical to selling an unusual concept. SUNSTUDIOS supported DOP Jess Milne with the gear needed to build a very unique universe.
The series follows interdimensional bounty hunter Rex as she pursues her targets. Shot in Scheyville National Park in Sydney’s northwest, KABOOM combines colourful costume design and natural landscape, necessitating a look that would compliment both.
“We set out to create something utterly zany,” recalls Writer/Producer Tony Vercoe. “Genre blending: You don’t usually see a science fiction western.”
“Jess knew exactly what we were talking about and she chose the right equipment to create it. We knew that we needed to really show off this environment and also really let our characters shine.”
Jess Milne saw this as a stretch challenge and began to work out a visual language for the show.
“A key reference would be Wes Anderson,” she said. “I’ve chosen to use 35mm as my hero lens. I’m getting in really close to the actors and framing them in a beautiful way while highlighting the comedy of the story.”
Canon cameras were key to achieving this look.
“We needed to use multiple cameras so I’ve chosen to use the EOS C500 II as the A camera. It’s a beautiful full frame camera paired with the lovely V35 lenses which are just quite golden and the images are just a little bit soft and more vintage like. Which works really well for the characters and the colour we have on set.”
The EOS C70 on gimbal served as B camera focused on dynamic movement, combined with an EOS C200 on a slider as C Camera for when a fight scene required multiple angles. Jess could tell on set that things were coming together perfectly.
“Everything looks amazing and the colours are really popping and tying in together – the blue and green of the natural landscape and the golden hues of the grasses. The lenses are really appreciating those hues and making everything harmonise together in a perfect way. We couldn’t be happier with how it’s looking.”
KABOOM’s first episode ‘Kin” is currently in post-production, proudly supported by SUNSTUDIOS.
- Director - Margaret M. MacDonald @immmagination
- Writers and Producers - Margaret M. MacDonald @immmagination and Anthony Vercoe @dramaticorangutan
- Orla Saphron @orlasaphron
- Shae Beadman @shaebeadman @thebeadmantwins
- Taryn Beadman @tarynbeadman @thebeadmantwins
- Robin Queree
- Alice Livingstone
- Olga Olshansky @carpediem_olga
- Anthony Vercoe @dramaticorangutan
- DOP - Jess Milne @jessmilne_dp
- 1st AC - Stephanie Furdek @steph.cine
- 2nd AC and BTS Photography - Hugo Morris
- Sound - Lara Cross @shopgloryboxdesigns
- Costumes - Holly-Jane Cohle @hollyjanecohle
- Make-up - Hannah Trenaman @thebutterflymua
- Stunt Choreographer - Igor Breakenback @igormma_sydney Stunt Coordinator - Warren Coulton @panoply_pictures
- Teaser Music - Vitaly Zolotarev
- AD - Zach Foster @forsterdotzach
- Gaffer - Kyle Stephens @thetheatricalgaffer
- PA - Dash Cole @dash_cole23